We realised two HEMA tv advertisements together with director Thalia de Jong from CAKE film Amsterdam. We created a Sinterklaas (Dutch feast) version and a Christmas version. Everything is knitted by hand.
To give a small impression of how we worked that out, you can have a look at the pictures below. It shows a part of the proces of the knitted reindeer head.
First we start with deciding how big every element needs to be. We do this in front of the camera and we keep an eye on the storyboard.
When we have decided how big the set elements should be, we do research concerning the wool colours and size. After this, we start creating the shapes of the elements out of foam. In this specific case Willeke sculpted the head.
Then we measure up all the elements, for example with this reindeer head. Our head of the knitting departement, Annelous, first makes patterns and then stars knitting. More detailed elements are knitted seperately and, when finished, they will be attached on the other parts.
When all elements are knitted we build up the studio, turn on nice lights and start animating!
For these advertisments we worked with DOP Marc de Meijer and animators, Henk Beumers, who also created the animatic, Peter Mansfelt and Paul Mathot.