Together with, and for Artcore Amsterdam we created this RADIO 2 advertisement for agency Being There. The objects represent the music of different time ages that are broadcasted by RADIO 2. Inside the objects the souls of the time age move exactly on the specific instruments used in the song. Of course everything was stopmotion animated. The hand and hamer are shot live action. The animation Director was Jin Angdoo Lee who we worked with on a lot of different creative tv ads :).

On the image above you see our building team, Art Director Meike Sier designed and created all shapes of the souls and insides of the objects. Paul, Henry and Naomi and Anna build all elements needed for animation.

Above you can see the animation phases we created for the spill inside the objects. We worked with all kinds of coloured stones and sand to create the nice colours.

Above you can see some of the different Souls we created for inside the objects.

When DOP Michael Brooke set the lighting in our studio and prepared all camera setups needed for the shoot, Paul, Sergio and Jin animated the whole sequence. We worked simoultanesly on two sets so we could animate all shots needed in two days. The rigging constructions were also designed by Paul with help of Peter.

Anna, Jin and Peter did post production. You can imagine that we had to paint away a lot of rigs :-).