Together with Advertising Agency Etcetera and Illustrator/Director Richard Raaphorst we created a paper folded animation advertisement for the Dutch company Independer. The animators Elmer Kaan and Sergio Lara Jimenez brought the paper world to life after DOP Michael Brooke set his lights on the two sets.
All the characters needed to feel like folded car insurances and the world needed to excist out of paper completely. It was a big challenge creating the paper world an characters. Also the animation was very complex due to the limited possibilities of the paper puppets. Animation Director Henk Beumers helped us with creating the Animatic of the animation.
Of course we had a great team of people who helped building all aspects needed. John Craney helped out and build the puppets, Sven Jansen, Anna Schroots and Naomi Martopawiro together with our Peter Mansfelt build up the Paper world and Henry Brummelman together with Anna Schroots and Peter Mansfelt did the post production.

The picture above shows how mockups of the final characters were used to get all the sizes wright for all objects.

The pictures above show Richard Raaphorst designing the paper world, Sven Janssen and Peter Mansfelt working on the paper Island. Naomi folded Trees and all other kinds of vegetation.

The animators Elmer and Sergio bringing the papercharacters to life.